Manitoqua Ministries wins AT&T Community Engagement Contribution grant
The AT&T Community Engagement Contribution grant in the amount of $5,000 was awarded to Manitoqua Ministries on behalf of the AT&T Life Member Pioneers. The grant is part of a special AT&T initiative that awards local funding based on nominations by AT&T Pioneer Chapters and it gives Pioneers, with a strong record of volunteerism, the ability to identify non-profit organizations making a local impact.
The presentation was held on November 30, 2018 on the Camp grounds. Those in attendance were Jeff Holland – Mayor of Frankfort, Laura Vroom – Camp Executive Director and her Staff, Life Member Council Board Officers – Jackie Steffgen, Gerry Steffgen, Gary Miles and Don Spindler, Life Member Volunteers – Paul Haak, Pat Haak and Pat Miles and AT&T External Affairs Director Jeff Adducci.
Manitoqua Ministries is a Christian ministry that, at its core, desires to provide a setting for guests of all ages and situations to come and find rest from this hectic World. For some, rest comes from spending a night in one of their cabins as opposed to the inner-city of Chicago. Other guests receive a few hours of respite through participating in their challenge course or one of their outdoor education classes. Throughout the year, they care for specific unique groups that oversee underserved, struggling and/or at-risk populations. In addition to the 13,000 retreat and outdoor education guests, they also serve over 2,600 campers through their day and overnight camp programs.
The Camp will use the funds to purchase various educational sports equipment such as ropes and helmets that are used for their rope course and tree climbing activities. These activities help children learn how to step out of their comfort zone and build their courage. Archery and dirt boarding gear will be purchased for their educational programs. These programs help children learn about native animals and the great outdoors. Additionally, building materials and equipment will be purchased for initiatives and field courses that are used to teach children how to work as a team and encourage one another as they try something new.
In addition to the funding, this past summer the Life Member Pioneers donated, assembled and seal coated outdoor cedar furniture for the Camp. The furniture was placed in areas where adults and children could gather in small groups to express their feelings in stressful situations and it helped to provide the groups with some much needed privacy and comfort. Some of the cedar furniture was on display for the presentation and Mayor, Jim Holland was anxious to sit in one of the chairs. He was extremely impressed with the quality of the furniture and the work that the Volunteers did to “answer the call.” The furniture will be put to great use for many years to come! The Life Member Pioneers have formed a multi-year alliance with Camp Manitoqua and new projects are already in the planning stages for the New Year. Stay tuned to learn more!
Literacy Project 2023-Pioneer volunteers created 50 Literacy Bags, the bags included books, book markers colored by the volunteers and an earth day pencil. Volunteers also stuffed the bags and applied a branded label to the bag.It was a good comradery project with some first-time volunteers!!Wayyyy to go BLUE ISLAND Team!!!