All day
July 1, 2021 – September 1, 2021
Two hundred backpacks will be provided to Together We Cope in Tinley Park for them to distribute to children who are displaced from their homes due to fires. TWC provides services to 27 diverse and “in need” communities in Chicago’s Southwest Suburbs. Backpacks were selected for this project because in most cases, families need to leave their homes with only the clothes on their backs and the backpacks can be used for school. The backpacks will be filled with AT&T Pioneer stuffed Teddy Bears, children’s prepacked hygiene kits, small toys/playing cards and snacks. We will assure that TWC always has a good supply of snacks on-hand to place in the bags as they are distributed. Additionally, a hand written note on AT&T Pioneer notecards will be provided for each family to let them know we are thinking of them during this difficult time. If you would like to participate with this project contact Jackie Steffgen 815-464-3007 or email
Literacy Project 2023-Pioneer volunteers created 50 Literacy Bags, the bags included books, book markers colored by the volunteers and an earth day pencil. Volunteers also stuffed the bags and applied a branded label to the bag.It was a good comradery project with some first-time volunteers!!Wayyyy to go BLUE ISLAND Team!!!