Senior Memory Care

Senior Memory Care

All day
June 1, 2021 October 1, 2021

Dementia-related challenges are a BIG deal in our "senior world" these days and many people end up in memory care facilities.  We will be purchasing and donating useful "activity" items to memory care facilities in Illinois.  The "flagship" project will be facilitated in Decatur, with a presentation date yet to be determined.  Volunteers throughout Illinois will be encouraged to support memory care facilities in their local communities.  Those choosing to participate should contact LMC President, Jackie Steffgen 815-464-3007 or, a Council vote will be taken to approve funding and further information will be provided.   It will be the responsibility of each project leader to identify the facility, obtain their “wish list”, recruit volunteers, shop for items and schedule the formal presentation.  AT&T Pioneer Volunteer shirts must be worn at the presentation.



Lincolnshire – 1215 W Arbor Dr, Decatur, IL (date TBD)

Other presentations at various locations TBD

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