Tools for Learning Backpack Project 2020
Each year AT&T Pioneers do a “Tools 4 Learning” Backpack Project. Well, 2020 came with its set of challenges when the school year was set to start with virtual learning! Determined to make it happen, some of our Pioneer volunteers went to schools during the hours of curbside lunch pick up or Chrome book pickups and we handed out backpacks! While social distancing, we was able to visit a total of 3 schools, Paul Cuffe STEM Elementary School (Chicago), Gordon Elementary School (Posen), Kellar Middle School (Robbins). We also had the opportunity to participate in a backpack giveaway event in the city of Hazel Crest and another one in the city of Country Club Hills. We knew the need was greater than ever before and therefore was committed to distributing backpacks. Because of our determination to provide backpacks to students across multiple communities, we was able to donate a total of 183 backpacks.
Thanks again to the Pioneer Volunteers and your Friends & Family members for making this happen!!
#attilpioneers @attilpioneers1
Literacy Project 2023-Pioneer volunteers created 50 Literacy Bags, the bags included books, book markers colored by the volunteers and an earth day pencil. Volunteers also stuffed the bags and applied a branded label to the bag.It was a good comradery project with some first-time volunteers!!Wayyyy to go BLUE ISLAND Team!!!