Care for Friends 2018

 In Illinois Chapter News

On September 13th and 27th, 2018 two groups of Pioneers and employees worked at a kitchen called “Care for Friends” in Chicago, Illinois which serves lunch to homeless people three days a week.

The mission of this group is to care for people with kindness and dignity. They work to get the homeless some medical help and possibly into living situations and off the street. The dining room is opened 1 1/2 hours prior to the meal being served in order for the guests to socialize with each other while having coffee and snacks. The meal served to the guests is all prepared by the volunteers of the day. There is a lot of cutting, dicing, chopping, and cooking that occurs in addition to having someone bake the dessert. The food is delicious and carefully prepared. The meal is brought to the table of each person and they are ‘served’ as they would be in a restaurant. A second helping is normally available and many take that for their next meal. All Pioneers who worked commented that that it was an excellent experience. One person said “That was the best volunteer service I have ever done. We did everything!”

The experience was truly “Answering the Call of Those in Need”

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